I wish I was a newspaper, So I’d be in your hands all day

Husband and wife Jokes in Kenya – I wish I was a newspaper, So I’d be in your hands all day

Although women are said to be wiser than men because they know less and understand more, sometime it turns out that because they know less then they don’t know much.
This happens especially when the women have to comment on everything happening around them. Sometimes it is good to let the sleeping dogs lie. This married woman did not see this coming.


Husband and wife Jokes in Kenya - I wish I was a newspaper, So I’d be in your hands all day
Husband and wife Jokes in Kenya – I wish I was a newspaper, So I’d be in your hands all day


I leave you with this quote: The more you learn, the more you know, the more you know, the more you forget, the more you forget, the less you know. Have a thoughtful week.