When you decide to die, die like a man

When you decide to die, die like a man

Once upon a time the leopard who had been trying for a long time to catch the tortoise finally chanced upon him a solitary road .Aha,he said; at long last! Prepare to die.

And the tortoise said: ‘Can I ask for one favor before you kill me?’ The leopard saw no harm in that and agreed. Give me a few moments to prepare my mind, the tortoise said.

When you decide to die, die like a man
When you decide to die, die like a man

Again leopard saw no harm in it and granted it. But instead of standing still as the leopard had expected the tortoise went into strange action on the road, scratching with hands and feet and throwing sand furiously in all directions.

‘Why are you doing that?’ asked the puzzled Leopard. The tortoise replied: ‘because even after I am dead I would want anyone passing by this spot to say, yes, a fellow and his match struggled here.’

Adapted from the Anthills of the Savannah by Chinua Achebe.

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When you decide to die, die like a man
When you decide to die, die like a man